Disease or illness may precipitate a spiritual or emotional crisis in our lives. Conversely, a psycholological, spiritual or social problem may be the root cause of illness. Either way, exploring the connection betwen the them is sometimes important. Visitors may find the following resources helpful in this regard:

Healing Yourself: A Step by Step Program for Better Health Through Imagery (Clinical research on the mind/body connection, showing how to unleash the body's natural healing powers) by Martin Rossman, MD. Pocket Books, NY 1987

Healing Works: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine. (how prayer complements but doesn't replace good medicine), by Larry Dossey MD, San Francisco 1993.

Minding the Body, Mending the Mind (insignts on how to take control of your physical and emotional well being), by Joan Borysenko PhD Bantam Books, MY 1987

Healing and the Mind (a good introduction on the power of the mind to influence healing) by Bill Moyers, Doubleday, NY 1993

Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdonm of Your Body and Mond To Face Stress, Pain and Illness (a guide to midfullness meditation and healing), by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Dell Publishing, NY 1990.